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Application Form:

Tile of Film (in English):

Category (circle one):                    feature                    documentary                    short student                    animation


Running time_________________  

If selected: World premiere _____   US premiere______ New York premiere______ 


Major screening history:



Your Name:








A Synopsis is Enclosed  ___


If chosen to be screened at the NYPFF would you also give your permission for screenings at the other Festivals?   ____yes   ____no  (Your answer in no way affects our evaluation of your film for the NYPFF.)


I have read all the rules and regulations for the 2015 New York Peace Film Festival, and understand and have complied with these rules.  I warrant that this work is original and that there are no deals, contracts or options regarding the ownership of the submission.  I also warrant that the submitted material does not defame or invade the rights of any person living or dead.  I fully indemnify the festival against any such violations of law.  To the best of my knowledge, the statements I have made herein are true and correct.  I understand that failure to adhere to the rules and regulations will result in disqualification and I agree to hold the festival harmless from and defend them against all claims, demands, losses, damages, judgments, liabilities (including attorney fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether or not groundless, for any film or video submitted to the festival.



(signature) _______________________________________________(date)_____________


I warrant that I am 18 years old or older: (initials) _________________


(parental signature if applicable) __________________________________(date)_______________ 


Mail DVD, completed application form, and synopsis in one package to:

NY Peace Film Festival (NYPFF)
P.O. Box 3810, Grand Central Post Office
New York, NY  10163.


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